Linux Harddisk 省電

#Sounds very much like the drives are doing SMART scrubbing (automatic offline testing).

smartctl -a /dev/sdx

smartctl -a /dev/sdx | grep auto

#should confirm the configuration with:

# Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.

#Disable with:

smartctl –offlineauto=off /dev/sdx

# or check power management

hdparm -I /dev/sdx | grep level

# should not disable power management, change to 1-127,254 , please find “AMP Level"

hdparm -B 127 /dev/sdx

#may by run a smart test will success the following testing

#check harddisk status

hdparm -C /dev/sd{b,c,d}

#set harddisk standby

hdparm -q -S 120 /dev/sdb

hdparm -q -S 120 /dev/sdc

#241-251 30min

hdparm -q -S 240 /dev/sdd

#spindown after 25*5 seconds.

hdparm -S 25 /dev/sdb

#spindown after (245-240)*30 minutes.

hdparm -S 245 /dev/sdb

#check harddisk status again after seconds or minutes

hdparm -C /dev/sd{b,c,d}

someone provide:

Maybe a better way could be:

hdparm -B 1 -Y /dev/device

hdparm -B 255 /dev/device

The first hdparm put the device standby immediately. The second one turn off APM, so the disk stay in standby mode till the next disk access.

hdparm(hard disk parameters)


语法:hdparm [-CfghiIqtTvyYZ][-a ][-A ][-c ][-d ][-k ][-K ][-m ][-n ][-p ][-P ][-r ][-S ][-u