VPN Connects but no remote LAN access [SolvedClosed] 2014-12-01 wo 電腦小知識 I had a similar issue… What I had to do was tel[……]查看全部 Linux, pptp, Server, VPN
安裝及架設VPN-PPTP 2014-12-01 wo 電腦小知識 安裝及架設VPN-PPTP作者: zoob (vincent@myunix.adsldns.org)[……]查看全部 Linux, pptp, Server, VPN
bindDNS 2014-12-01 wo 電腦小知識 CREATE TABLE mydomain ( name varchar(255) defaul[……]查看全部 BindDNS, dns, Linux, Server
install webdav readme 2014-12-01 wo 電腦小知識 yum install mod_auth_mysql vi /etc/httpd/[……]查看全部 Linux, Server, webdav
DNS name contains records that are incompatible with the CNAME record 2014-12-01 wo 電腦小知識 Issue: You receive one of the following messages[……]查看全部 BindDNS, dns, Linux, Server