Edit code while debugging in visual studio

is it possible to edit code while debugging in visual studio, like in eclipse (java)


Yes, it’s called “Edit and Continue", in Tools | Options under Debugging.

Edit: If you’re using a really old version (the original VS.Net, as opposed to VS.Net 2005 or later), it was pretty fiddly about this (or didn’t have it, I can’t quite recall; I just remember being frustrated). But if you’re using VS.Net 2005 or later, in my experience, it’s enabled by default and works very well. When execution is paused (and you said you’d hit a breakpoint, so…), you can make quite a variety of changes and the environment will happily compile them and continue. Make sure all of the projects you want to debug are in the solution.


In general, it is possible, but you have to make sure you are compiling your project to x86 platform.

For this, right click on the project name in the Solution Explorer, go to Build and set the Platform Target to x86.


Of course, in order to be able to edit a file, the execution need to be paused (in a breakpoint, for example)